需要非紧急护理的夏令营参与者必须向暑期方案主任报告. 主任将在现场处理儿童的需要,并在可能的情况下让他们返回营地. 如果主任决定孩子需要回家,或者如果家长被要求带孩子去看医生,他们将与家长联系. 请注意,夏令营可能会坚持要求孩子在返回营地之前提供医生证明, i.e. for cases of or suspected cases of communicable diseases. This measure is precautionary for the health and safety of everyone.
First Aid
During each day of the Summer Programme, there will be staff who have current first responder training. In addition, a first aid attendant is on-site and available throughout the day.
Should a situation require immediate medical attention, 911 will be called.
For more information, please refer to our Medical Alert Conditions Policy.
The Southpointe Summer Programme is allergy aware. 这意味着夏令营的参与者和家长都知道有严重过敏症的学生需要避免接触过敏原. We ask that nuts and pets not be brought into the school building.
Administration of Medication
儿童不应携带处方药参加暑期课程,除非在医生的指导下. 在营地期间,任何药物的管理将由一名工作人员完成,并获得儿童父母/监护人的书面许可. 所有药物必须装在原容器中,并清楚地标明儿童的姓名, date, and dosage to be taken.
Emergency Preparedness Drills
Summer Programme participants will be briefed on emergency preparedness, and some drills may be practised during camps. Emergency drills include fire, earthquake and lockdowns.
Emergency Notification System (ENS)
Should a situation occur, Southpointe将使用群发短信系统来传达紧急通知.g. emergencies or building closures) with Summer Programme participants.
For building closures or emergency early dismissals, Southpointe will:
- Update the Southpointe Academy homepage
- Send an email to all parents/custodians of camp participants
- Send a text message to all parents/custodians of camp participants
Smoking, Vaping, Controlled Substances and Alcohol Policy
Pursuant to the Tobacco and Vapour Products Control Act of BC, smoking and vaping are banned in schools and on school grounds. Smoking cannabis and consuming alcohol are also banned on school grounds.
Southpointe's values further prohibit smoking, consuming alcohol, taking controlled substances and the use of electronic cigarettes (vaping).